
Part G Calculations

Part G Water Efficiency Calculations

The updated part G came into force on April 6th 2010 with a new requirement to address water efficiency. The maximum amount of water allowed per person per day in dwellings must not exceed 125 litres to comply with the Building Regulations.

Planning and Building Control Requirements

When Planning Permission is granted the Planners may impose a condition which sets the requirement higher than the levels within the Building Regulations, where this is the case we can prepare calculations to clear this condition. The standard requirements within the Building Regulations are required for all new builds and conversions to houses or flats.

DSB Property Designs Ltd can provide water calculations to comply with both Building Control and Planning requirements, for a competitive quotation please contact us using the contacts page.

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You can call DSB Property Designs Ltd on 01702 302 399 or click on the link below to send us an email.